Once Essa! Passed by a young man who was watering the garden

By | November 21, 2022

Return To The Garden

Jesus treats every human being like a gardener would a potential plant or tree. “A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench, till He sends forth justice to victory…” (Matt. 12:20). Jesus sees each person as an individual plant or tree, He treats each one differently:

  • He treats the Samaritan woman like a true plant expert, and sees that she is hungry for water.
  • With Nicodemus the theologian, Jesus sees that he needs to be transplanted into new soil, or even newly grafted onto a new rootstock.
  • The rich young man must first break free from his branch in which he has become entangled, but he sees no chance.
  • For many, Jesus was the “miracle cure”, which immediately came to heal a nagging pain and ailment. Others were under the power of a “parasite plant and fungus” and had to be freed.
  • He heals the lepers who were quarantined from the dreaded disease, and helps them to be reunited with their people.
Once Jesus! Passed by a young man who was watering the garden