Nappy rash treatment and prevention

By | July 20, 2021

Nappy rash is common and can happen no matter how carefully you look after your baby’s bottom. Almost all children who wear nappies get nappy rash at some stage.

Many things can combine to cause nappy rash in your child.

The main cause is wearing a wet or dirty nappy for too long. Prolonged dampness, friction and ammonia substances released from wee can irritate your child’s skin.

Plastic pants often make nappy rash worse because they stop air circulating normally and keep the nappy area damp.

Soaps and detergents left on cloth nappies after washing can also contribute to nappy rash.

Sometimes children also have other conditions like eczema, psoriasis, thrush or impetigo, which might make nappy rash worse.

Nappy rash treatment and prevention

Symptoms of nappy rash

The skin on your child’s bottom will look red and sore. Sometimes nappy rash might go up onto your child’s tummy or spread up towards your baby’s back. Some areas of skin might be raised or swollen, and there might be breaks in the skin. These breaks are called ulcers.

The skin folds aren’t usually affected because wee doesn’t get into them.

The rash can cause discomfort and pain, which can make your baby irritable.