Moles are common skin growths. You probably have more than one on your face and body. Most people have 10 to 40 moles somewhere on their skin.
Most moles are harmless and nothing to worry about. You don’t need to remove a mole unless it bothers you. But if you don’t like the way it affects your appearance, or if it’s getting irritated from rubbing against your clothes, removing the mole is an option.
The moles you absolutely need to consider removing are ones that have changed. Any differences in a mole’s color, size, or shape could be a warning sign of skin cancer. See a dermatologist for a checkup.
You might be tempted to remove moles at home because of the convenience and cost. Before you try to snip off your mole with scissors or rub on a store-bought mole cream, read on to learn the risks involved.