Men get Hoor Al’Een in Jannah….But what about us women…….what do we get??!!
That is a question that we come across many times and actually, that is something a lot of us ask. In fact, just the other day, someone asked me the very same question.
To that sister and others who may have this question up their mind, I say….
My dear sister…..first of all Jannah and Jahannum (and Hoor Al’Een, for that matter) and all what happens in them are matters of the Hereafter. These are a part of the realm of the Unseen of which we have very limited perception. Such matters are beyond our understanding and cannot be known by reasoning and thinking and we have really no knowledge of these things except what the Quraan and the authentic Sunnah tell us.
All we do is to believe in such matters of the Unseen, while remembering that its realities are known only to Allaah.
And actually, one should not really get into the details or indulge in discussions of the matters of the unseen without knowledge, because there is really no benefit in that. Rather if such a question comes up, we should say Allaah knows best.
As Allaah says:
“And follow not (i.e., say not, or do not, or witness not) that of which you have no knowledge. Verily, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those ones will be questioned (by Allaah)” (Surah al-Isra’ :36)
And, dear sister, from whatever limited knowledge we do have about Jannah that Allaah and His Messenger (sal Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) have informed us, there are a few points that we, as believing women, should remember, when questions such as these pop up in our heads.
1. Allaah is Most-Just and the Most-Merciful
The first and foremost thing to remember is that this is Allaah, Rab ul Aalameen we are talking about here.
Subhaan Allaah.
![Men will get Hoorain in heaven, but what will women get](
Remember that He is ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem, the One who is Just and there is no one more just than Him….
And He is the One who is Fair and there is no one who is more fair than Him!!
He will never ever let you down or be unfair to you. If He has promised the men of Jannah Hoor Al’Een, then surely He will give the believing women of Jannah something equally pleasing too. There is no way that He will favor the men over the women, aoodhu billaah. Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala.
“If any do deeds of righteousness, be they male or female, and have faith, they will enter Jannah, and not the least injustice will be done to them.” (Surah an-Nisa:124)