Medina Leaves for Women Health

By | December 17, 2021

Always remember that life comes from Allah and everything only  happens with  Allah’s will. Please never loose hope in the mercy of Allah.  I have been very interested to find out more about this leave. Here is some research I have done regarding it.

Leaves from Medina also called nabi booti, used usually to strengthen womb and for conception if Allah will’s inshaAllah.

It is a herb and I am not sure what the background about it, what it’s significance etc. All I know is that leaves can be found in Medina usually in the market near mount Uhud. Looks like dried curry leaves. Many have used it who were struggling to conceive,

I also used it. From the research I  have done as I have been really trying to find out more about this but can’t find anything. It took me years to get a name for it,

it is said that the Prophet(SAW) gave these leaves to a lady who was finding difficult to conceive. I don’t have any authentic to corroborate this, all i have read from the internet.Allah knows best.

Medina Leaves for Women Health