May Allah provide all sustenance at once

By | April 12, 2020

These little skin tags can be annoying and are probably caused by a virus. They appear in areas where we sweat most. The best way to get rid of them is to snip them off with a sterile pair of scissors. But if you are squeamish, any plastic surgeon or dermatological surgeon would be more than happy to help you remove them.

You can also try making an appointment to see your GP as some doctors can ‘freeze’ them off. Celebrity esthetician and skincare expert Renée Rouleau has discussed in detail the various types of blemishes that can occur on the skin.

The A-list skincare expert, who regularly works with a number of stars including Demi Lovato, differentiated between the different kinds of ‘bumps’ that can often appear on the face, and the best ways to effectively treat them. Renée discussed milia, closed comedones, skin growths, and skin tags, as she revealed the best ways to detect what kind of blemish you’re dealing with.

Writing for her blog on her website, Renée said: ‘When it comes to bumps on your skin, it can be difficult to know what they are because there are so many possibilities.‘But knowing what you’re dealing with is an important first step and will help you determine the best course of treatment,’ she added.

May Allah provide all sustenance at once