Many benefits of drinking soaked black gram water

By | September 6, 2022

Food on your mind all the time? It’s time to take a break and take charge of your body. Trust the benefits of chana and lose weight.

You must have heard of the importance of consuming protein post-workout. That’s because it is crucial to nourish your muscles and kickstart repair. But do you think going for a protein solution without verifying its authenticity is right? Well, we don’t think so! Instead, we have a natural source that not only acts as the perfect post-workout protein solution, but a binge-breaker as well. Yes, we are talking about the many benefits of chana, especially when it’s soaked in water.

You will be glad to know that soaked black chana is a powerhouse of protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy fat. On the contrary, the whey protein you eat is all synthetic, and has no other nutrients in it.

But why soak chana, you may ask? Well, that’s because soaking black chana improves the nutritional quality of proteins, vitamins, and also makes them easy to digest.

“It is very important to know how, and how much to eat to get the maximum nutritional value of soaked black chana. You should soak a fist full of chana in cold water for at least eight hours. If you are soaking them in warm water, then four to five hours are enough. Don’t eat a fist full of soaked chana as it can upset your stomach,” recommends Ms Ritu Khaneja, a clinical nutritionist and dietician and founder of Right K Calories.

Many benefits of drinking soaked black gram water