A woman is a synonym of sacrifice, woman is a companion to man given by God. She is a partner in life, and a friend. Women are blessed with a kind heart, a sea of love, and a bundle of affection. They are, undoubtedly, a symbol of love and a pillar of strength. They are always there, like a beacon in the night.
A woman sacrifices everything but keeps a smile on her beautiful lips. You will never realize how many sacrifices she has done to keep you and the whole family up.It is very difficult to say when a woman really feels sad. It is because of her sacrificing nature. But I would say that it is not that difficult either.
There are not many stairs but only one stepped stair, going through her beautiful eyes to her wonderful heart. But what makes her complex to understand is our inability to conquer her heart and being blinded by materialistic aspects more and treating her merely as a sex symbol.
But she is much more beyond that. So basically we lose the right vision to understand her. A woman’s eyes and expressions can really reveal a lot about her happiness or sadness in life if one is sensitive and wise enough to crack her sacrificing fake smile.
If a woman smiles at you, give hand gestures and have dinner and drinks with you, they perceive that she is available and can be used. But what people does not see that in their home they also have mother, sister, daughter or even girl friend and if she is also viewed by the perception then you would not be quiet about that, then why ill-treat other woman. Woman is the only creation of god who can give birth to a new creation.
She is the one who keeps you in her womb for about 9 months, bears the pain and still does not ask for anything extra ordinary, but only what she deserves and that is respect. After all she also has that right to get respect, treated well and well recognized.