Grey hair is normally associated with old age, though it can also be seen in young people. My son began finding his first grey hairs at the age of 19, while my great-grandmother did not have a single white hair when she died at the age of 85.
My great-grandmother practiced traditional Indian, or Ayurvedic, medicine, and the remedies collected here are from her. They worked wonders on my son, especially those that focus on diet. As for me, a 50-year-old man, the results are evident but not as prominent, as I am irregular and careless with the remedies.
What Is Ayurvedic Medicine?
For those who are not familiar with Ayurvedic medicine, it uses nature to supplement the body’s deficiencies and strengthen the immune system.
As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is always best to turn to nature for remedies before going to a doctor, because modern medicines generally cure one problem but, like a metastasis, cause other, sometimes graver, side effects. It is my endeavor to provide all-natural resources so that you can avoid such adverse effects.
These natural remedies are far better than the chemical dyes that leech into the skin and may cause cancer.