Activity 1
1 King Eurystheus sets impossible tasks for Heracles because he had promised the goddess Hera that
he would help her to defeat Heracles.
2 Heracles takes on these tasks in order to try and earn his freedom from Eurystheus.
3 Students’ own answers. Suggested answer: King Eurystheus sets impossible tasks for Heracles
because he had promised the goddess Hera to deny Heracles his freedom forever if he failed the
tasks. The final task he sets for Heracles is to go to the Underworld and steal King Pluto’s guard dog,
Grammar Boost: Active and passive voices
1 B is written in the passive voice because Cerberus is the subject of the sentence and has the action
done to it, that is ‘is presented’.
2a The smelly stables were cleaned out by Heracles.
2b All of the tasks were completed by Heracles.
2c Heracles was ordered to kill Cerberus by King Eurystheus.
Activity 2
1 Students’ own answers. Suggested answers:
a King Eurystheus is presented as eager to please the goddess Hera so that she ‘would be delighted’.
b The writer presents the goddess Hera as vindictive and demanding. She has made King Eurystheus
promise to help her ‘defeat her enemy, Heracles’ by creating ‘impossible tasks’ for Heracles to
c The writer presents Heracles as strong and lucky, as he uses ‘courage, cunning and superhuman
strength’ to complete the tasks.
d The writer presents Cerberus as a horrific creature, ‘terrifying and powerful’.