Turn back and look at the life of Sahaba-e-Kiram. Everyone is reading. Read any books. Where you find that the Sahabi did not leave everything and running after Prophet (asws)? They left their belongings, they left their house, they left their wealth, they left their families. Running after the Prophet.
What were they longing for?
Their life, so many of them, their life was good, they were not slave. Their worldly life was good. They choose to give up that life and to run after the Prophet (asws). Most of them, those Sahabis, they did most of the cruelties, before Islam. But as soon as they accepted, their heart melted. Their heart didn’t become stone, because they were crying daily for things that they have done in the past.
What is the difference between them and us? We are claiming that we love the Prophet (asws). Where is the love? Huh? Where?
Love of dunya. And if you don’t get rid of the love of this dunya then you are never going to reach to that faith. It’s not possible. It’s not only that they got rid of dunya but they got rid of everything that they had and they gave their lives for the Prophet (asws), for Islam.
Whan Hz Umar (ra) was the Khalifah, one night, he was going around in Medina when everyone was sleeping, to see that everything was okay in the city. Then he heard the sound of children crying coming from one house. Khalifah went nearer to the house and started listening. He heard a lady saying to her children, ‘don’t cry. Wait a little bit more. The food is going to be cooked and I’m going to feed you.’
Khalifah Umar continued to listen for some time. He waited, waited, and waited, but the lady is still saying the same thing to her children. So he said to himself, ‘something is wrong.’
‘BismillahirRahmanirRahim,’ he knocked on the door and she opened. He entered.
‘O lady, I’m seeing that this fire has been on for a long while. When is this food going to be cooked to feed those hungry children? They went to sleep feeling hungry, and they woke up from hunger again, and crying. Why are you not keeping your job properly to feed them early?’

She replied, ‘O stranger. Leave me alone. Do you think that the stone which is inside the pot is ever going to be cooked? I’m just fooling this children.’
Feeling shocked, Umar started asking, ‘what happened? where is their father?’
‘Their father is dead. He went to a war, and he’s dead,’ and she continued to say, ‘I’m going to claim my rights from the Khalifah in the Judgement Day.’