Question: A person who always eats honey will get bored with it one day (as a Turkish proverb says.) No matter how much enjoyable Paradise will be, will people not get bored with the blessings in it? Will a monotonous life not bore people?
It is a very wrong thought. It comes to mean doubting Allahu ta’ala’s infinite power and thinking of Him as incapable (May Allah forbid!).
The life in Paradise will not be monotonous. Our religion says that a person whose two days are the same is at loss. Accordingly, blessings will be increased each passing day in the afterworld, and its two days will not be equal. Every day people will get different and much more pleasure from the same blessings. Moreover,
they will be bestowed different bounties and different favors each day. No doubt should be harbored at all about Allahu ta’ala’s power. People compare what they do not know to what they know. But something that is not known cannot be compared to something that is known. It is declared in hadith-i sharifs:
(The world is like a dungeon for a Believer.) [Muslim]
(The world is like Paradise when compared to the womb and like a garbage dump when compared to Paradise.) [Ma’rifatnama]
Can Paradise ever be compared with a garbage dump? Just as it is impossible for a baby in the womb of its mother to know that it will be born and face various events, so it is impossible for a Believer who will go to Paradise to know the blessings he/she will attain therein.
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