Although there are some written documents about the arrival of coffee in Istanbul, the dates shown for this event differ. Although the exact date of its arrival in the Ottoman lands is not known, he claims that there are records that coffee was first drunk in 1517 during the reign of Selim I (1512-1520). He mentions that the name of coffee was heard during the reign of Selim
I and that it was widely drunk a century later. Although not a common use of coffee, another information that conveys a special use belongs to the year 1522. This plant, which was approved by elite circles in the first years of the reign of (Kanunî) Sultan Suleiman I, was identified by Bedreddin al-Kûsûni, the sultan’s private doctor, with the “addictive” used instead of medicine, which is known as a panacea, and an opinion in favor of coffee consumption was developed.
The next date given in the sources about the spread of coffee in the world is that coffee was brought to Istanbul and Rumelia for the first time by the Governor of Abyssinia Özdemir Pasha in 1543 during the reign of (Kanunî) Sultan Süleyman I (1520-1566) vía Yemen.
According to İsmail Hami Danishmend, Istanbul’s meeting with coffee coincides with the Kanuni period. However, this date, which he stated as the Kanuni Period, is 1555. Based on the information given, although there are different dates in various sources, data on the existence of coffee in the Kanuni Period are presented in most of them, and these are especially supported by encyclopedic publications.