Irregular Periods: Home Remedy to Regulate Your Cycle

By | October 29, 2019

A menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of a period to the first day of the next. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this can vary from woman to woman, and month to month.Your periods are still considered regular if they come every 24 to 38 days.Your periods are considered irregular if the time between periods keeps changing and your periods come earlier or later.

Treatment depends on finding out what’s causing your irregular periods, but there are remedies you can try at home to get your cycle back on track. Read on to discover 8 science-backed home remedies for irregular periods.

Yoga has been shown to be an effective treatment for different menstrual issues. A 2013 study with 126 participants found that 35 to 40 minutes of yoga, 5 days a week for 6 months lowered hormone levels related to irregular menstruation.

Yoga has also been shown to reduce menstrual pain and emotional symptoms associated with menstruation, such as depression and anxiety, and improve quality of life in women with primary dysmenorrhea.

Women with primary dysmenorrhea experience extreme pain before and during their menstrual periods.If you’re new to yoga, look for a studio that offers beginner or level 1 yoga.

Once you’ve learned how to properly do several moves, you can continue going to classes, or you can practice yoga from home using videos or routines you find online.

home remedy for irregular periods