Sometimes you don’t feel like doing anything, these are the days you want to stay in bed all day. It can also be that you lack the motivation to do the work. There are times you feel you should just take a day or two off or maybe skip work for some days.
But the fact is that, if you want to be consistent you have to forget about your feelings until you do what needs to be done.The work you are supposed to do won’t perform itself because you are not feeling like working.
Often times you have an audience that needs you to deliver, or a goal you are aiming at, both require consistency and not excuse for how you are feeling.
These are the things that affect your feeling which can make you inconsistent, and also how to overcome them.
Critics: people’s criticism of your work whether constructive or destructive are all part of the process. Most of these criticisms are demoralizing but don’t let it stop you. Criticism can put you in a very bad mood that will make you unwilling to work,
but you must work. Every criticism no matter how bad it may seem has some take away from it. Stop worrying about why someone said what he or she said, just grab the lessons and move on. If you truly want to be consistent you have to make peace with the fact that everyone won’t agree with you or like what you do, just respect their opinions and keep going.
Time: there are things that you want to do but never seem to find time to actually do it. A lot of people are always busy with so many things which make them so stressed that they don’t feel like doing what they’ve already set out to do.

You have to manage your time well and whenever you make a time table, stick with it. If you don’t make time to be consistent at whatever you want to achieve, you will never accomplish that goal. There is never enough time — you just have to make time yourself. That your dream needs time, stop feeling stressed out so you can give it the time it needs.