It is hard to get started with reading.When you spot a book in the store, you feel inspired by the idea that you will read it one day. Holding a book in your hand is uplifting — to caress the cover with your fingers and run a thumb through all those pages and imagine the day when those words would be inside your head.
But, as time goes by, you start to feel daunted, as if this book was not meant for you.
But deep down, there is a darker, more debilitating fear in your heart: what if you were not meant for this book?
What if you are not meant for any book?
Let me tell you this: even if you have not read a single book in your life, it is possible to become an avid reader. It will take some dedication and sacrifices on your part, but if you want to, there is no force in this world that can stop you from reading more books.
In this article, I am listing six tips designed for beginners to get them into the habit of reading. A lot of my friends who asked me for advice on how to get started with reading found these tips helpful. I am sure you will too.