Dry hand and feet can make a cold, harsh winter even more miserable. They get itchy and painful, and sometimes they even crack and bleed. If you have chronic dry hands, the first thing to do is moisturize them right away.
There are also steps you can take to keep them from drying out so much in the first place. If you have cracks or cuts, you may need to see a doctor. See Step 1 to learn more about taking care of those dry hands.
Rub your hands with coconut oil. This rich natural oil provides a thick layer of protection and will leave your hands feeling moist and soft. Coconut oil absorbs into the skin fairly quickly, it smells wonderful, and best of all, it doesn’t contain ingredients that can dry out your skin and make the problem worse. Carry a little pot of coconut oil around with you and apply as necessary throughout the day.
Look for unrefined coconut oil, rather than refined. Refined coconut oil is heated to a high temperature that removes properties that are beneficial for skin. Other oils can also be effective. Try jojoba oil or almond oil if you prefer a different texture or scent.