How To Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Room at Night

By | April 13, 2020

If there is one insect that has proven to be a nuisance to the human race, it is definitely the mosquito. These unwelcome health wreckers have mastered the art of vigilance like a military-trained intelligence unit. You can hear them and feel their bites, but you cannot see them. They possess the power to carry deadly diseases and pass them onto humans. If you find yourself asking,

“What can I do if there is a mosquito in my room?” then you are one step ahead in protecting yourself from these suckers. (Pun intended.)

For your great adventure, you will need a golden helmet, a sword from the River Zambezi, and one of Zeus’ thunderbolts!

I’m, of course, kidding!

It is actually quite simple to kill a mosquito in your house. While the challenge lies actually in finding it, you can still obliterate the insect even in its hideouts. Below, we will explain five ways to do so.

Sleeping under a mosquito net is an extremely effective and cheap way to keep those bloodsuckers away from you, especially when you are facing an army of them.

Several species of mosquitoes are most active when we are asleep (dusk, dawn, or during the night). So, sleeping under a TREATED mosquito net is like having a divine shield of protection from the enemy.

Your mosquito net will act as a barrier and the chemical on the net will kill those mosquitoes who dare to touch it. Do this for a series of nights and voila, the mosquitoes will either die from starvation or will leave to seek greener pastures.