What is the exact method of sajda for women. Many people are confused for this. Many ladies put their elbows down and some do not put. Some Muslim scholars recommend that it’s not mendatory to put down elbows during sajda. Can any one guide me for this confusion. Thanks
This should apply to both men and women. So there’s basically no difference in the manner we pray. Nevertheless some scholars recommended that ladies should pray in a more compact manner (having their body parts:arms and legs closer to the body)
to avoid showing men details of their body that might be hidden otherwise. Note that this is the view held by a majority of scholars (some fatwa on Islam web quote from malki,
shafi’i and hanbali sources and consider this the recommended position for women see fir example here – in Arabic-) . Here some evidences for this view:
Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri, the companion of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him),

that he used to command the men to spread out their arms in their prostration and he used to tell the women to keep their arms close to their sides in their prostration.
He used to tell the men to spread their left foot along the ground (and sit on it) and place the right foot upright during the tashahhud and he used to tell the women to sit, kneeling, on their heels.”