How can I get pregnant soon?

By | November 10, 2020

One of the biggest mistakes many couples make, is they relegate the lovemaking, the babymaking, the sex, to a time and place at the end of the day. And one of the worst things about this is many couples are eating far too late into the evening. By the time they finally move to the bedroom, they are coming to their lovemaking with a full tummy and hormones that are more focused on digesting than being se-xual.

Did you realize digestion is a hormonal process? Most people think of hormones as something most entirely about sexuality, but in fact, all of our physiologic functions are hormonally driven. When we are digesting, our endocrine systems send energy to break down and uptake all the nutrition and organize all of the functions that nourish you.

Now, by all means, we need our nourishment. But by prioritizing lovemaking in front of digestion you will then be coming into your sexual uplift without any complications. So instead of walking through the door into an evening of your usual routine of eating first, make love later – try reversing that. Simple.

Not only will you have better sex, less inhibited by the taxation of digestion, but you will then come to your supper with an increased appetite. Making love with the undistracted hormonal flow means your se-xual hormones will have the upper hand and carry you to greater heights of more vigorous enjoyment.

How can I get pregnant soon?