Grassroots, Vol.52, No.I January-June 2018
Fayyaz Ahmed Channa
Dr Muhammad Anwar Khan
Dr Naeem Tariq Narejo
Honeybees prepare honey by sucking flower juice. Honey is used as a
nutritional food and medicine since existence of man. It is tasty and delightful
fluid. It also has nourishment of high nutritious esteem and gigantic medical
advantages. It is considered as a very good anti-oxidant and ailment from all the
diseases. The benefits of honey are countless according to the Holy Quran and
Hadiths. Honey is highly admired since antiques by various globally accepted
religions and is documented in the oldest writings and scriptures. Honey is a
characteristic fluid specified in the books of religions and acknowledged by all
eras, conventions and civic establishments.
Keywords: Quraa’n, Hadith, Honey, Health Benefits.
Honeybees make the delicious sweet liquid by sucking the nectar of
flowers. The juice from the flowers is called ‘apis mellifera’. The apis
mellifera is a traditional and oldest bee which possessed the honey that cured
all human ailments (Lu & Callahan, 2014; Purbaafrani,, (2014). For
preparing the honey, the honeybees fell free to collect sap from flowers or
other living part of the plants as its key source of food for their colonies.
Historically, the preservation and collection of honey dates back to
8,000 years ago (Purbafrani, 2014). There is the evidence from the
painting in which two honey hunters collect and gather honey from the
honeycomb. The painting in a Mesolithic rock which is a cave painting and it
is in Valencia, Spain (Crane and Eva, 1983).The honey has been used in
daily life for its useful dietary function. Furthermore, honey is considered to
be an antiseptic physiotherapy treatment for a number of diseases in all ages.
The use of honey is very effective and good for mind and memory
(Kamarulzaidi, 2014) Honey can be kept for a longtime with following

It never spoils; no need of the refrigerator, it can be placed or stored in a
dry cupboard at room temperature.
It is one of the antique foods in continuation up-to-date and is also found
in King Tut’s tomb.