Skin care is a tricky area. Some basic care is necessary for good hygiene and basic health. More advanced skin care falls into beauty treatment. And no matter how much money is spent on skin care, there always seem to be even more expensive treatments and products out there. Review these tips to pick up some basic, effective skin care knowledge.For better skin, eat more fruit.
Fruit contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and other damaging chemicals that build up in your body. Antioxidants can make your skin clearer and combat the effects of aging.
Eating fruit can even decrease some of the signs of stress that can show on your skin.Use sunscreen everyday. Apply sunscreen to all exposed skin at least 30 minutes prior to going outside.
In addition to cosmetic problems like age spots, freckles and wrinkles, prolonged sun exposure over the course of your life can also cause life-threatening skin cancer.Use sun protection even in winter and on overcast days.