Home Remedies For Neck Soreness And Pain

By | February 14, 2022


A stiff neck can be painful and interfere with your daily activities, as well as your ability to get a good night’s sleep. In 2010, more than 17 percent of women and more than 12 percent of men reported some type of neck pain and stiffness.

That number is rising with the prevalent use of mobile devices and computers, which compel people to crane their necks at awkward angles. In fact, looking down at your phone, laptop, or other devices is the most common cause of neck strain. This hunched position puts a strain on the muscles and soft tissues of your neck.

Other causes may include:

  • poor posture
  • clenched jaw
  • stress
  • repetitive neck motion
  • osteoarthritis
  • neck or spinal injury

We’ll look at ways to help relieve neck stiffness and pain as well as methods to prevent the pain.

Stiff neck prevention

Many times, you can prevent a stiff neck with some lifestyle changes and ergonomic workplace tools. Prevention may also mean breaking some bad habits, like poor posture. In addition, regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and make them less likely to be strained or injured.

Also, not smoking or quitting smoking can help prevent neck pain. Quitting can be difficult. Talk to your doctor to create a quit-smoking plan that is right for you.

Create an ergonomic workplace

Many people work at a computer desk for eight hours each day. This can contribute to a stiff neck, as well as other ailments. Here are some ways to prevent a stiff neck at work:

  • Adjust your chair into a comfortable position with your feet flat on the floor and your knees a bit lower than your hips.
  • Use ergonomic posture while sitting, with your back straight and your arms level to the desk.
  • Adjust your computer so that it’s at eye level.
  • Use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse.
  • Stand up to stretch and move every hour.
Home Remedies for Neck Soreness and Pain