Indian round gourd or simply round gourd, scientifically termed Praecitrullus fistulosus, goes by the vernacular name “Tinda” in many local Indian languages including Hindi, Telugu, Marathi and Tamil. It is also commonly called apple gourd, round melon, Indian squash and Indian baby pumpkin.
This green vegetable has been well-regarded for its significant medicinal value since ancient times and is widely documented in Ayurvedic texts. Today, it continues to be heralded for its immense health benefits and is widely incorporated, in popular local cuisine across India, as well as in alleviating illnesses of the stomach, liver and skin, to name a few.Tinda/Indian Round Gourd: Health Benefits, Nutrition, Uses For Skin, Hair, Weight Loss And Recipes
Indian round gourd or simply round gourd, scientifically termed Praecitrullus fistulosus, goes by the vernacular name “Tinda” in many local Indian languages including Hindi, Telugu, Marathi and Tamil. It is also commonly called apple gourd, round melon, Indian squash and Indian baby pumpkin.
This green vegetable has been well-regarded for its significant medicinal value since ancient times and is widely documented in Ayurvedic texts. Today, it continues to be heralded for its immense health benefits and is widely incorporated, in popular local cuisine across India, as well as in alleviating illnesses of the stomach, liver and skin, to name a few.