The year 2020 marked 20 years of our commitment to and investment in communities across the country through our Healthy Generations program. We believe that targeting specific, preventable health concerns—and addressing the disparities and social drivers that affect them—will help us create a healthier generation of Americans.
The Healthy Generations initiative uses innovative social-mapping technology and analyzes public-health data to provide a snapshot of the major health issues in each state.
This allows us to drill down to the zip-code level and target initiatives that positively affect the conditions that matter most. We call this “putting science behind the art of grant making.”
Today, we are emphasizing efforts in the specific areas covered below. Additionally, we’re engaging in partnerships with national and local community nonprofits that are working to support social justice.
We are dedicating funding to community partners that will work to help revive and rebuild neighborhoods in the communities we serve across the country,with a focus on improving health and reducing disparities as well as on economic development and job creation.