Long before our familiar friend Mr. R attained the title of being known as ‘the research guy’, he was referred to by an altogether different term of endearment: daid-foottee (the one-and-a-half footer.) Although with gargantuan amounts of milk consumed regularly and plenty of physical activity and rest Mr. R made it through just fine in the end, he did not, however, manage to evade falling prey to the fancy of Yoko Height.
In fact, for many years, Mr. R enjoyed the tingly sensation of perennially keeping separate pairs of that device in each of his most frequently worn shoes. Watch the following video to increase height and get stronger bones.
Although all that was lost was an aggregate of Rs10,000 and time that could have been better spent towards reading or research, nobody likes to know that they were scammed and Mr. R is no exception to that.
How height increase occurs
Lengthening of bones i.e. long-bone growth occurs through the interplay between two factors: hormones and growth plates.
>> The master hormone of growth in the body is known as the growth hormone (GH), which is secreted in the largest amounts in the earlier hours of the night i.e. deep sleep.