The biblical character that we are studying in regard to greatness is Nehemiah. In the previous chapter we compared what elements were necessary to be great in this world (fame, wealth, skilll, victory) to the elements that are necessary to make one great in the Kingdom of God (obedience to God’s word, ministry of God’s word and humility of spirit).
The point, therefore, was that the criteria for greatness in the world is very different than what is necessary for greatness in the Kingdom of God. People err when they try to measure spiritual greatness using worldly standards.
Dr. Raymond Kelcy was a Bible professor at Oklahoma Christian University for many years and often participated in the Q&A sessions which were a feature of the annual Lectureships held at the college. During one of these sessions a man asked Dr. Kelcy the following question,” Who do you think is the greatest preacher in our brotherhood?”
Brother Kelcy showed his own wisdom and spiritual perception when he answered the following, “Probably someone we have never heard of, from an obscure place, doing the Lord’s work quietly and effectively week after week with no fanfare.”