Some physical conditions are common during the first few weeks after birth. Contact the office if you have any concerns.
Diaper Rash
Diaper rash can be caused by leaving a wet or dirty diaper on too long. A common mistake made with disposable diapers is that, because they are so absorbent, parents tend to keep them on for longer periods of time. This may cause irritation that eventually causes the rash.
Changing diapers often, washing the diaper area with soap and warm water at each change, and drying their bottom completely before replacing a new diaper can help reduce the risk of diaper rash.
If a rash develops, allow the diaper area to be exposed to the air as much as possible. Be sure to place several folded cloth diapers under the baby and loosely cover the penis of your son to help prevent messes.
Also zinc oxide or diaper rash cream on the irritated areas after washing will be helpful. If the diaper rash is persisting, spreading, or developing blisters, call your doctor because your baby may have a yeast or bacterial infection that will need a special cream or medicine.
All babies are born with temporarily immature liver function, a situation that corrects itself in about a week. In the meantime, about 60% of all full term babies and 80% of all premature babies,
develop a yellowish tint to their skin called jaundice. This usually appears about the second or third day of life and reaches a peak about the third or fourth day, before fading away by the sixth or seventh day.