Almost all women have problems with their period from time to time. Whether it be heavy bleeding,irregular bleeding or no bleeding at all, experiencing issues every once in awhile is pretty common. However, sometimes these problems are more serious than they appear to be.First things first: what exactly is a period? In case your primary school didn’t properly educate you on the subject,
a period is the lining of the womb falling away when there is no pregnancy. A ‘normal’ period comes every 21-35 days and typically lasts for five days. The flow is light for the first day or two,
heavier for two to three days and then tails off over a day or two (about five to eight teaspoons per month). Most women have fairly tolerant periods, give or take a few cramps,
but it’s important to know when problems can become more serious, what you – and your doctor – can do about them.The most common complaint is of regular, heavy bleeding….