If you’re looking for information about cheetahs as pets, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, learn the following about cheetah cat pets and more:
Are Cheetahs Kept as Pets?
When the question “If you could have any pet in the world without consequence, what would it be?” is asked, a cheetah is a popular response. For many people, cheetahs exemplify grace, agility, and, although unwarranted, ferocity.
Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many who have an interest in keeping these iconic animals as personal pets. However, this is rare in the US due to strict regulations and the difficulty of importing cheetahs. More on this further down in the article.
The keeping of exotic pets is very controversial, largely due to ignorance—many are uninformed about what an exotic pet actually is. However, cheetahs by most definitions do qualify as exotic pets, even within their home range.