Without exception, all living organisms on earth include water as one of the main components of any cell. However, the role of this element is not only in the formation of life but also its maintenance since this seemingly ordinary liquid plays an enormously essential role in the existence of the human and the representatives of flora and fauna. Two hydrogen molecules
and an oxygen molecule, which together form a chemical compound of water, serve as a valuable source of cell nutrition. They help to not only strengthen the human body but also to stimulate the growth of plants, participate in the natural processes of air saturation with important components, and provide nourishment for cellular structures.
This element of life is present on Earth in sufficient quantities, but one of the global problems that humanity has faced is the pollution of water resources. Despite the large reserves, many big and small reservoirs contain harmful products, which is the result of anthropogenic interference.
The importance of water conservation on Earth is one of the priorities of the modern world since human health and the entire surrounding world directly depend on the quality of this natural resource and its preservation. As a separate region for analysis, the situation with water conservation in Albania will be considered.
Based on statistical data, it is possible to find out whether pollution is a topical issue in the country and what potential measures are to be taken to improve the current situation. The use of up-to-date information is a valuable source of obtaining the necessary facts for analyzing and conducting appropriate intervention aimed at preserving the country’s water resources.