There are some etiquettes and sunnah of Drinking Water in Islam, which Islam has made clear in the books of Hadiths.
These days most of us think only Salah and other things are related to Islam but Islam is a lifestyle that also taught us about everything from eating till sunnah of drinking water including the things Haram for Muslims. Here are the 6 Sunnahs you should follow when you drink water next time.
1. Start Drinking Water With “Bismillah”
As we have directed from Allah SWT and His last Prophet Muhammad PBUH that we must say Bismillah before eating anything or drinking water.
2. Always Drink Water with your Right-Hand
Just as we taught about Bismillah, the same rule applies to how we eat or drink. Drinking or eating with the right hand is Islamic, even if you’re lefty, you should use your right hand.
3. Always Sit Down When You Drink Water
Science has also claimed that drinking water while sitting has more benefits as compared to drinking while standing up. This is one of the major sunnah of drinking water as taught by Prophet Muhammad PBUH.