Eggs are the nutrient-dense super foods that comprise essential vitamins and packed with all nine essential amino acids making it a source of complete protein and one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. From proteins to vitamins and minerals, an egg contains almost all the nutrients you need to maintain health. A complete egg comprises all the essential nutrients required to turn a single cell into a baby chick.
Eggs are relished by most of us, which is cooked in varied delicacy and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner or even a brunch. Eggs prepared in any form be it poached,
boiled, omelette and scrambled contains all the vital nutrients which are crucial for maintaining the body fit. It can be baked or mixed with any number of ingredients to form a versatile and tasty delight.
Eggs are highly recommended by doctors and nutritionist as a vital component in a well-balanced regimen. High-quality protein, low in cost and indeed the
cheapest sources of protein which can be made into a nutritious meal. The egg is also valued as a superfood which keeps the doctor away.
In recent times there are some misconceptions about health incentives of egg yolks about its fats and cholesterol content. The real fact is that eggs are not recommended for people sensitive
with high lipid profile levels such as those who deal with the heart and cardiac problems. However, for normal individuals’ eggs can be incredible food and assist in leading a healthier life.
Adding eggs in your diet serves as a good source of protein, improves brain and eye health, shields the skin from harmful UV rays, improves good cholesterol and bolsters brain function.