The Dua Zehra case has triggered an acrimonious debate across the country due to its enigmatic nature. Distraught parents are reluctant to give up and are taking every possible step to get their daughter back. This article is an attempt to undertake the content analysis and to question various statements and actions of Dua. In Pakistan, According to the Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929 (which was later amended by section 12 of the Muslim Family Law ordinance 1961), the minimum age for a female to get married is sixteen years and 18 years for a male. In 2014,
Sindh Assembly through Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Act brought the age of females at par with males: 18 years. In 2015, Punjab Assembly passed Punjab Marriage Restraint Act 2015 by amending the Child Marriage Restraint Ordinance 1971.
This amendment mainly focused on imprisonment and fines but the age limit remained the same. So, 16 years of age is required to get married for a female. Now, a question arises, who will ascertain the age: NADRA record or medical tests? Dua’s family claims that official documents prove that Dua is not eligible for marriage; she is underage.
On the other hand, LHC simply overrode the official documents and ordered a medical examination to ascertain Dua’s age. This decision of LHC has seriously questioned the credibility of the NADRA record. Another important question is what is the credibility of the medical Test? Is it accurate? Mind sciences expert Dr Moiz Hussain maintains that Pakistan does not possess the equipment to determine the real age. Using his expertise,
Dr Moiz has beautifully analyzed the first interview of Dua taken by Zunaira Maham. Dr Moiz has raised four important points which are intriguing: the first point is how can Zunaira get access to Zaheer’s house? But others are not allowed. One would rephrase the words of Dr Moiz that why are only uncritical journalists getting access to Zaheer’s house? Why are other journalists who can ask difficult questions barred from taking Dua and Zaheer’s interview?
Secondly, Dr Moiz, as an expert, maintains that Dua was lacking eye contact which shows that she was lying. Thirdly, Dr Moiz says that Dua was wringing her hands while the interview which indicates nervousness and anxiety. Fourthly, Dr Moiz says that Zunaira Maham seemed comfortable, it may be possible in two cases:
if Zunaira was familiar with the Zaheer’s family or the interview was premeditated. In one’s view, Dr Moiz’s points carry weight because he is an expert, not a layman. One fact glares out that whether Dua is physically mature or not, mentally she is innocent and immature.