In this article we will talk about the 25 best excuses to reject a girl nicely over text. Click to skip our introduction and methodology and jump to the 5 Best Excuses To Reject A Girl Nicely Over Text.
If you are dating a girl, but don’t want to continue, you may need some great excuses to walk away without hurting her feelings.
Everybody loves dating, but when it comes to rejecting someone, you really don’t know how to do, what to say and when to say. You must be sitting at home with your smartphone in hand and thinking what to write to the girl you met the other day. At first, I must remark that the best and most honest way is to tell her face to face. Not over text, not via email (even if you write millions of emojis in the letter), not via phone, but personally. Everyone deserves being treated as a valuable individual. But if you have no other chance to reject a girl, but only over text , we can help you out with some kind excuses.
It’s always hard to tell a girl you don’t want to meet her again and even if you try to find the nicest way, one thing you should know: whatever and however you tell her, you will surely hurt her. The truth is, no-one likes to be rejected, but if we start to date somebody, rejection is always a possibility.
In order to compile our list of the 25 best excuses to reject a girl nicely over text, we consulted Reddit, Quora and Girls ask Guys, as we wanted to know the best excuses that are actually tried and tested by thousands of people. Then we collected those that got the most reactions, and ranked them by the number of comments.
25.”It’s not you, it’s me.”
Old but gold.
24.”I’m very flattered, but I just don’t feel that spark with you, and you deserve someone who wants you intensely. I hope you find him.”
Actually, it’s true. “If there’s no horse an ass will do.” – it’s a very bad point of view.
23.”I’m sorry, but I just don’t want to be in a relationship right now, it’s not about you.”