A year ago before I change my life and become a good Muslim “Insha Allah”, I used to know a girl that I thought I would marry but we weren’t able to make it because of our differences that she doesn’t believe in God. I don’t know what to feel towards her, or how should I talk to her. I think that I should hate her but sometimes
I tell myself that the mercy of God is the biggest and who knows, she may believe in Him one day. I tried many times to talk to her about Islam as I am not sure if I was making any sense to her.
I want to know if it is Ok to talk to her or not and If yes, how can I help her to the straight path?
Know, dear brother, that it is unlawful for you to talk to that woman because the Sharee’ah forbids talking to Non-Mahram women except for a dire necessity that cannot be achieved otherwise.
The prohibition is more emphatic in your case as this woman is still young and you have a desire to marry her as you mentioned. In fact, talking to this woman might lead you to looking at her, touching her, etc. and this is firmly prohibited.