Does Allah’s Mercy Depend on Sin

By | December 25, 2024

I would like to thank you for trusting us, and may Allah, Majestic in His Praise, assist me in answering a question related to Him.

In response to your question, a simple and emphatic “no” suffices. No, Allah’s mercy doesn’t depend on the intensity of the sin, whether major or minor.

I don’t wish to stop here, although a “no” truly answers the given question. Still, I believe the question is a fruit of a certain way of thinking and background intellectual processes that lead to it.

It is also indicative of a way of thinking which, unfortunately, is common to so many Muslims, irrespective of their degree of knowledge and familiarity with Islam.

Let’s start tracing our way to the heart of the matter. Some people cannot conceive that Allah, Majestic in His Praise, forgives every possible sin, except polytheism of course, despite the vast number of verses, Hadith Qudsis, and traditions that testify to that.

To give but a little example, here are two verses:

Some Urdu Mistakes Are Forgivable Not Forgivable