In a curious town, lived a penniless Maulvi who supported himself by driving supplications in the town mosque. His main little girl, a flawless wonder, held onto friendship for the affluent child of another Maulvi. Nonetheless, the admirer, known for his extravagance in liquor and repulsive organization, confronted dismissal when the Maulvi declined the proposition.
A Bent Vengeance Plot
Infuriated by the forswearing, the wealthy admirer composed a wicked arrangement to discolor the standing of the Maulvi’s girl. The disclosure that the down and out Maulvi had rejected the proposition added fuel to his malignant expectations. The conniver meant to shame the young lady, delivering her bothersome for any future admirers.
The Unfurling Misfortune
The rich young fellow spread the misleading story that the Maulvi had dismissed the proposition since his girl was at that point pregnant with his kid. The tricky talk flowed quickly, creating a shaded area over the young lady’s personality. Distressed, the Maulvi and his better half were left wrestling with the catastrophe that had come to pass for their loved ones.
A Secretive Infirmity
As though prearranged by destiny, the young lady started encountering stomach torment a couple of months after the fact. The aggravation, at first excused, strengthened, inciting her folks to look for the assistance of the town’s only healer. In a time without cutting edge clinical offices, the healer, depending on customary techniques, analyzed the young lady as pregnant.

A Stunning Disclosure
The news sent shockwaves through the Maulvi’s family. Incapable to fathom the peculiar development, they confronted the overwhelming possibility of managing cultural judgment and the looming shame. Persuaded that their girl had kept up with her immaculateness, the Maulvi and his better half chosen to move toward the healer briefly assessment.