You may call them simply doctors. But most doctors have extra expertise in one type of medicine or another. In fact, there are several hundred medical specialties and subspecialties. Here are the most common types of doctors you’ll likely see.
They treat immune system disorders such as asthma, eczema, food allergies, insect sting allergies, and some autoimmune diseases.
These doctors give you drugs to numb your pain or to put you under during surgery, childbirth, or other procedures. They monitor your vital signs while you’re under anesthesia.
They’re experts on the heart and blood vessels. You might see them for heart failure, a heart attack, high blood pressure, or an irregular heartbeat.
Colon and Rectal Surgeons
You would see these doctors for problems with your small intestine, colon, and bottom. They can treat colon cancer, hemorrhoids, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Critical Care Medicine Specialists
They care for people who are critically ill or injured, often heading intensive care units in hospitals. You might see them if your heart or other organs are failing or if you’ve been in an accident.
Have problems with your skin, hair, nails? Do you have moles, scars, acne, or skin allergies? Dermatologists can help.