Cycling for Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight Through Cycling

By | August 2, 2024

The bike is a great fitness tool, and cycling for weight loss doesn’t have to be complicated. Combining cycling, structured training, and a healthy diet can pave the way for increased performance by dropping the pounds and increasing your fitness. Whether you have a little or a lot to lose, these tips will help you lose weight and be a faster cyclist.

My weight loss started because I wanted something. It was simple; I wanted to hang with the fast group on my local drop ride. I wanted to be a faster cyclist. At the time, weight was my biggest limiter as I was tipping the scales at 345lbs. Over ten months, I lost 145 lbs, raised my FTP, and became a much faster cyclist.

Is Cycling Good For Weight Loss?

There are numerous benefits of cycling for weight loss. Riding can increase your activity level, burn calories, improve heart health, and grow your fitness. Aside from those benefits, riding a bike is fun! However, the key to losing weight isn’t just riding. Combining a healthy diet with cycling is vital for success.

An old adage says you can’t out-train a bad diet, and my experience lends proof to this idea. I had been cycling for years, and of course, would lose a bit of weight when I rode more. But I couldn’t lose the amount of weight that I wanted until there was a significant change in the food that I was eating. So the main point here is that cycling can help you lose weight when it’s combined with a healthy diet.

Cycling for Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight Through
Cycling for Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight Through