Christians And Alcohol – Biblical Theology

By | September 6, 2024

The question of alcohol consumption has been problematic for believers from the beginning. The first recorded use of alcohol in the Bible, by Noah in Genesis 9, led to his shameful drunkenness. And of course Christians in Corinth were reprimanded by Paul for getting drunk at love feasts associated with the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:21).

Given the Bible’s clear warning against drunkenness (i.e., drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God, Galatians 5:21), Christians today nevertheless pose the question: “Is it not permissible for believers to drink in moderation?” –with the difference being one of degree.

In this short paper we examine the nature of alcohol; using biblical context, we demonstrate that there are distinctions in “wines”; we also consider the high calling God has placed on kings, priests, and Christians.

We conclude that the question of the permissibility of drinking in moderation is not the right focus; rather one should ask: “Is God capable of contradicting himself about alcohol in the Scriptures?” And “Is alcohol something God actually desires for us, or not?”

Where Alcohol Comes From: The Process of Fermentation

Christians And Alcohol - Biblical Theology

:black_small_square: Fermentation is the putrefaction of plant matter. It involves the slow decomposition of organic substances induced by microorganisms such as yeast and bacteria.

:black_small_square: For example, in making alcoholic wine, yeast is allowed to feed on the sugar in grape juice and excrete alcohol and carbon dioxide.

:black_small_square: When the alcohol content reaches perhaps 15% concentration, the yeast colony is poisoned and dies.

:black_small_square: If fermentation is avoided (through boiling, filtration, chilling, et al), wine can remain sweet and alcohol-free.

Alcohol’s Notorious Impact on Health

:black_small_square: Alcohol in Drug Addiction: alcohol is classified as an addictive drug by the American Medical Association (AMA policy H-30.972).

:black_small_square: Alcohol and Pregnancy: “Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause a wide range of physical and mental birth defects… In fact, no level of alcohol use during pregnancy has been proven safe.” (1)

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