Thinking about a boyfriend’s Facebook relationship status can be a hot button for you as a girlfriend. Your dating “needs” for your boyfriend to do something with his Facebook relationship status may increase depending on how far along you are with him.
You may want him to take a step–a public step– such as a Facebook announcement as a precursor to an engagement. You may see so many of your friends with these tags of “with” and status proclamations that you start to feel left out or that there’s something wrong with you and your guy.
In the scheme of human life, it’s understandable.
My take? I don’t want that little bit of digital information about the relationship status on Facebook to drive you into feeling less than or not good enough or blow the budding relationship!
Let’s say that you want the guy you’re dating to change his Facebook relationship status to “In A Relationship” or “With…” early in the dating process– as in less than three months in because you already feel like a couple.
I’ve seen women feel very upset if it doesn’t change because they feel “it’s time.”
Of course, to most guys, three months, even nine months, is just too soon for them to know what they want to do with you long term. They may know how much they love you early, but they may not be ready to announce it to their Facebook friends and cyberspace.

Changing that status on Facebook is going to cause quick attention from his friends and family, which comes with a lot of probing, awkward questions. And you know that guys dislike confrontation so many a fellow feels like, “hey, why should I invite confrontational inquiries?” They need to be brimming with confidence to handle it.
Now that doesn’t mean that he’s not confident about the two of you. It’s sort of like a person being knowledgeable about topics around their career but not feeling confident to stand on a public stage and give a speech about those topics.