Category Archives: Story

The King Was Announced

In this year of the Golden Jubilee, when acts of commemoration for King George VI have occurred across the Commonwealth, we publish, at the suggestion of Rafal Heydel-Mankoo, Churchill’s moving and eloquent tribute from fifty years ago. “Churchill’s eulogy,” Rafal writes, “is one of the finest ever made. His passage: ‘The King walked with death…’ is most moving… Read More »

A person who is more concerned with his wife …

WHAT the devil is going on in the Roman Catholic Church in America? This week’s revelations about the child-sex and drugs binges arranged by priests in the Boston archdiocese have confirmed everyone’s worst fears about the sordid goings-on behind vestry doors. The wretched Cardinal Bernard Law has become a focus for the wrath of the millions of American… Read More »

A Prayerless Passenger Run Away

Prayerlessness is not fundamentally a discipline problem. At root it’s a faith problem.Prayer is the native language of faith. John Calvin called prayer the “chief exercise of faith” (quoted in “Enjoying Your Prayer Life,” 12). That’s why when faith is awake and surging in us, prayer doesn’t feel like a burden or an obligation. It feels natural. It’s… Read More »

Old Parents and Five Star Hotel

Book now your family holidays. Little Guest is a unique collection that brings together the cream of hotels designed to accommodate demanding families. Beach, mountain, city, safari … all types of destinations are offered.The selected institutions are located around the world and meet stringent standards, to greatly improve the holidays of children aged from 0 to 12 years but also young teens. For… Read More »

A verse about which the Holy Prophet said

Question: Does Islam and its Prophet and Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessing of God be upon him) have any historical links with the Bible (Gospel and the Old Testament)?(All quotations are from the New King James Version.)Yes, indeed there are many links. We quote as follows: In the Old Testament, Genesis, 21:21 it is said: “He (Prophet Ishmael)… Read More »

The priest of lust

WHAT the devil is going on in the Roman Catholic Church in America? This week’s revelations about the child-sex and drugs binges arranged by priests in the Boston archdiocese have confirmed everyone’s worst fears about the sordid goings-on behind vestry doors. The wretched Cardinal Bernard Law has become a focus for the wrath of the millions of American… Read More »

I Perform My Duty In The Labor Room Daily

Labor and Delivery nursing involves assisting families throughout the birth process, working on a team with physicians, midwives and other professionals.L&D nurses care for women during both normal and problematic pregnancies, providing information, guidance and hands-on clinical care.They are also important participants in the birth process itself and are key sources of information and support for the whole… Read More »