Category Archives: Story

On the Day of Resurrection, eight witnesses will appear for the sins of every human being

CAIRO – 29 May 2017: This is to Muslims and non-Muslims, who share the wrong belief that the persecution of non-Muslims is permissible in Islam, giving the green light to murder non-Muslims, or paint Muslims with a broad brush. The following are hadiths (sayings) by Prophet Mohamed on the subject, even one about Egyptian Christians in particular. 1… Read More »

What are some examples of Gestures

While many Thais are very Westernized today and understand the international meaning associated with most cues, their pride in their cultural customs means that as a visitor, being proficient in such non-verbal communication can award you a deeper respect and acceptance among the locals with whom you interact. Thais are receptive to the Western practice of handshaking, and… Read More »

Why We Must Remember History

On yesterday’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry spoke about how American education is discarding history. Our high schools and colleges teach less and less of it, and what they do teach is usually distorted to suit present moral sensibilities and political agendas. Why is this such a problem? Think of senility. When a man loses his memory, he loses everything.… Read More »

A new conspiracy that Muslim youth see as a source of income

The Islamic State (ISIS) is in sharp decline, but in its rout lie important lessons and lingering threats. This is true for the four countries of the Maghreb covered in this report, Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, which constitute a microcosm of ISIS’ identity, trajectory and shifting fortunes to date. Those countries possess two unwanted claims to fame: as a significant… Read More »

Sher Ali Khan Mujahid Kakzai

Sher Ali Khan (Pashto: شېر علي خان‎)(c. 1825 – February 21, 1879) was Amir of Afghanistan from 1863 to 1866 and from 1868 until his death in 1879. He was one of the sons of Dost Mohammed Khan,founder of the Barakzai Dynasty in Afghanistan. Sher Ali Khan initially seized power when his father died, but was quickly ousted by his older brother, Mohammad Afzal Khan. Internecine warfare followed… Read More »

8 Strategies for Dealing with an Angry Partner

Shakyamuni (also known as Siddhartha Gautama) said, “Do not return anger with anger; instead, control your emotions. That is what is meant by diligence.” As you may have painfully discovered, anger can be detrimental to relationships. An angry partner’s negative attitude and behaviors can drain your energy, leave you feeling frustrated and unheard, and undermine not only your well-being but the health of… Read More »

Marriage and Murder By Magic

Annis Whitworth’s father has died, leaving the white English teen and her aunt—her only living relative—penniless. What is a destitute lady of quality and intelligence to do? Serving as governess to small children will not do, nor will being a lady’s companion. And marriage is out of the question. While altering a dreadful pre-made mourning gown, Annis discovers… Read More »