Category Archives: Story

Trees and Shrubs for Mountain Areas – 7.423 – CSU Extension

Quick Facts… This fact sheet discusses non-native trees and shrubs for mountain areas above 6,500 feet. For native trees and shrubs for Colorado landscapes please refer to fact sheets 7.421 and 7.422. For recommendations for lower altitudes, see fact sheets 7.418, Small Deciduous Trees; 7.419, Large Deciduous Trees; 7.414, Evergreen Shrubs; and 7.403, Evergreen Trees. The dividing line for a wide variety of trees appears to be at or… Read More »

The Importance of a Father in a Child’s Life

Fathers sometimes underestimate their role. Loving, actively involved fathers contribute to their children’s well-being and development, strengthening their self‑esteem. For exemple this could be done by helping them discover the world through games and books. The presence of a caring father helps his child—boy or girl—to be more confident and to reach his or her full potential. By… Read More »

Do you know why we recite ATTA’HIYYAAT, in every Salah

Attahiyyaat is a very important ‘Dua’ we repeat it in our daily prayers.When I came to know the background, it actually melted my heart.  Attahiyat is actually a part of a conversation between Our Creator Allah SWT and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) during his journey of Al Isra Wal Miraj. When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) met Allah SWT,… Read More »

The Cancer Miracle Isn’t a Cure. It’s Prevention

In the next few years, cancer will become the leading cause of death in the United States. Later in this century, it is likely to be the top cause of death worldwide. The shift marks a dramatic epidemiological transition: the first time in history that cancer will reign as humankind’s number-one killer. It’s a good news/bad news story. Cancer… Read More »

What Are The Common Treatments For Menstrual Irregularities

Treatments for menstrual irregularities often vary based on the type of irregularity and certain lifestyle factors, such as whether a woman is planning to get pregnant. Treatment for menstrual irregularities that are due to anovulatory bleeding (absent periods, infrequent periods, and irregular periods) include:1,2 Treatment for menstrual irregularities that are due to ovulatory bleeding (heavy or prolonged menstrual… Read More »