Category Archives: Story

The sounds of crying from the grave

At some point you may have looked down at your dog and noticed watery eyes. It’s easy to assume that the dog is crying, but those tears are actually caused by something other than emotions.We know that dogs can sense our emotions, and we know they are capable of grief, but can they cry real, emotional tears?Dogs are compassionate… Read More »

Soldier and his wife

He came to signify formidable native power and proved to be East India Company’s worst nightmare for almost thirty years. Tipu on various occasions displayed great dash, courage and wisdom including the first and second Anglo-Mysore wars in which the British were defeated. During the first phase of the third Anglo-Mysore war, Tipu once again demonstrated his military… Read More »

Who Betrayed Sultan Tipu?

Tipu Sultan is known for his fierce spirit of independence and hard-headed leadership particularly in relation to resisting British expansionist interests in the south of India. He came to signify formidable native power and proved to be East India Company’s worst nightmare for almost thirty years. Tipu on various occasions displayed great dash, courage and wisdom including the… Read More »

Horrifying Moment A Spider Crawls Out Of A Woman’s Ear

Horrifying Moment A Spider Crawls Out Of A Woman’s Ear After She Went To The Doctor With A Headache In India۔ Children can utilize the destinations to interface with different children they know or who have comparative interests, reinforcing and growing their social connections simultaneously. The spotlight that these destinations have on diversions and exercises, frequently consistently refreshed,… Read More »

A man was washing his car

It’s seriously harmful.This type of fat — referred to as visceral fat — is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other conditions.Many health organizations use BMI (body mass index) to classify weight and predict the risk of metabolic disease.However, this is misleading, as people with excess belly fat are at an increased risk… Read More »

The First Sound A Secret

Reading and pronouncing words correctly can be a big challenge in English. Why does an “E” sometimes sound like an “eh” and sometime like “ee”? SO MANY students struggle with pronunciation, even after years of practice. Don’t despair! There is hope! 🙂 I found this article super helpful when teaching and I’ve shared it with many of my… Read More »

Please keep up your work

Keep Up The Good Work – How could you say it in different ways with the same meaning? Learn 80 popular ways to use instead of “keep up the good work” with ESL printable infographics.Here is the list of important synonyms for common phrase “Keep Up the Good Work” To stay the course; to continue doing what you are… Read More »