Category Archives: Remedies

Dr. Bilqis said that it is a cheap toothpaste

Changes in the color of your teeth may be subtle and happen gradually. Some yellow color may be inevitable.Teeth can look more yellow or darken especially as you age. As the outer enamel wears away, the yellowy dentin underneath becomes more visible. Dentin is the second layer of calcified tissue beneath the outside enamel layer. If you’re looking… Read More »

Why do women have nausea during pregnancy

Why do women have nausea during pregnancy and how to prevent itAt what age does a girl start menstruating?.Treatment of uterine discharge۔ mostly found in young girls and women and it’s a dangerous disease and it makes women hollow from inside. The woman who is suffering from likoria starts viganal discharge with whitish and yellowish liquid or green… Read More »

Alum to clean upper lip hair

Facial hair is normal for both men and women. However, you may wish to remove the hair on your upper lip if it’s noticeable. Removing hair from your upper lip naturally Practitioners of natural remedies offer a variety of hair removal remedies that focus on the upper lip. They claim that these remedies will not only remove hair but… Read More »

Weight Loss After Delivery At Home

Never before had the judging panel unanimously decided to each invest millions of dollars into a potential company.After buying a staggering 25% share in the sisters’ company, the Shark Tank panel have personally mentored the pair, helping them undergo re-branding and re-packing of their miracle product. Touting their discovery as “the greatest step forward in weight-loss history,” the judges were… Read More »

The easiest way to prevent heels from cracking in winter

How to Get Rid of CRACKED HEELS overnight.Temperatures are dropping and winter can make the skin on your feet, especially your heels, super dry — dry enough to crack like a fault line. Even though sock season gives them a place to hide in plain sight, cracks in your heels can fracture into deep cuts or fissures, that… Read More »

What foods should be avoided during pregnancy

At what age does a girl start menstruating?.Treatment of uterine discharge۔ mostly found in young girls and women and it’s a dangerous disease and it makes women hollow from inside. The woman who is suffering from likoria starts viganal discharge with whitish and yellowish liquid or green liquid water from her vigina. But if these liquid discharges in… Read More »

Glycerine For Face Whitening

Do you want to flaunt a fair and flawless skin? Fair and flawless complexion is  a dream for many girls out there. Though you might not be born with flawless skin, but there are a lot of fairness creams and lotions that promise you fairer and flawless skin, there are a lot of natural home remedies that you… Read More »

Some important problems that can happen to a pregnant

Some important problems that can happen to a pregnant woman and their prevention.At what age does a girl start menstruating?.Treatment of uterine discharge۔ mostly found in young girls and women and it’s a dangerous disease and it makes women hollow from inside. The woman who is suffering from likoria starts viganal discharge with whitish and yellowish liquid or… Read More »