Category Archives: Remedies

Five major newborn problems that almost every mother faces

Some physical conditions are common during the first few weeks after birth. Contact the office if you have any concerns. Diaper Rash Diaper rash can be caused by leaving a wet or dirty diaper on too long. A common mistake made with disposable diapers is that, because they are so absorbent, parents tend to keep them on for… Read More »


Leucorrhea is defined as is a vaginal discharge which is whitish, yellowish, or greenish in color resulting from inflammation or congestion of the mucous membrane. It may originate from the vagina, fallopian tubes, ovaries, or most commonly from the cervix. The color of the discharge may vary and depends upon the menstrual cycle. The bloody discharge makes an… Read More »

Excellent Pieces of Advice That Most People Ignore

At some point of your life, your BFF has gone to you when they have a problem, looking for some advice. And I’m sure that many times you’ve given them gems of advice that really help them and clear the skies in your friend’s life. But here’s the funny thing: have you actually tried all those tips, pieces… Read More »

The Best Treatment For Stomach, Liver and Bladder Heat

Most otherwise-healthy children who repeatedly complain of stomachaches for two months or more have functional abdominal pain. The term “functional” refers to the fact that there is no blockage, inflammation or infection causing the discomfort. Your GI Provider will help determine whether your child’s pain is functional.  Nevertheless, the pain is very real, and is due to extra… Read More »

Easy recipe to whiten the Skin and black joints

Accumulation of dead skin cells, friction, extensive exposure to sun, or a hormonal imbalance can become the cause of dark knees and elbows. These parts of our body don’t contain any oil glands and it’s important to protect them from dryness through proper care and hygiene. We at Bright Side present 10 easy yet super effective techniques to help you nourish your… Read More »

Obesity Prevention Source

With the daily crush of media coverage about obesity, weight, and health, it’s easy for people to feel overwhelmed. But there are simple steps you can take to help keep weight in check and lower the risk of many chronic diseases. The Healthy Weight Checklist-is a resource not only for individuals but also for those helping others stay healthy:… Read More »

Why Do People Cause Vomiting While Traveling?

Some people experience nausea and even vomiting when riding in an airplane, automobile, or amusement park ride. One study, published in PloS one in 2013, suggested that 3-D movies can also cause nausea. This condition is generally called motion sickness. When riding on a boat or ship, it is commonly referred to as sea sickness – but it is the… Read More »

Rosemary: Health benefits, precautions, and drug interactions

Rosemary is a member of the mint family Laminae, along with many other herbs, such as oregano, thyme, basil, and lavender. The herb not only tastes good in culinary dishes, such as rosemary chicken and lamb, but it is also a good source of iron, calcium, and vitamin B-6. It is typically prepared as a whole dried herb or a dried powdered extract, while… Read More »

Facial Rash – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

A facial rash is an inflammatory reaction of the skin of the face. Facial rashes can be caused by a wide variety of mild to serious diseases, disorders and conditions. In some situations the presence of facial rash is a warning for other problems elsewhere in the body, such as systemic lupus. Facial rashes can affect a small… Read More »

Treatment of facial pimples and body scars

Acne breakouts can be frustrating, and they can also leave scars on the face and other areas of the body. Some people find that acne scars are an unwanted reminder of a painful and bothersome condition. However, acne scars do not have to be permanent, as some home remedies and medical treatments can help get rid of them.… Read More »