Category Archives: Islamic Information

10 Benefits of Reciting Surah Kahf on Friday

Surah Kahf, the 18th chapter of the Quran, holds great significance in Islamic tradition, particularly when recited on Fridays. In this Surah Allah (SWT) shares with us the stories of people who believed and how this helped them save themselves from suffering. Reciting Surah Kahf on Fridays is highly encouraged in Islam, and it is believed to bring… Read More »

Why Did The Holy Prophet Perform Multiple Marriages

Women are often brought into the picture when discussing Islam because their status — if not studied thoroughly and objectively — is severely misunderstood. Under those inaccurate assumptions, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is often accused of practicing and encouraging unjust treatment of women, while the truth is actually the opposite — as I hope you… Read More »

A Beautiful History Of the Blessed Life of The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)

History, when divested of the historians’ bias and prejudice, is a beautiful string of incidents and events, which speak a thousand tongues. When we study the history of early Islamic era, we are able to gain an insight into the society to which the message of Islam was preached, the circumstances which then prevailed, and the reciprocal responses… Read More »