Category Archives: Health Tips

If You Want a Healthy Life, dip in Olive Oil

The antioxidants in olive oil may help protect the body from cellular damage that can lead to a range of health conditions and diseases. Extra virgin olive oil has a bitter flavor, but it contains more antioxidants than other types, as it undergoes the least processing. In this article, find out more about the health benefits of olive oil and… Read More »

Only for those who have frequent fevers

A fever is a body temperature of 100.4° Fahrenheit of higher. When you have multiple fevers over a period of time, this could be a recurring fever. These fevers that come and go are usually seen in children under age 5 (infants and toddlers). A fever is a part of your body’s natural defense system. Your immune system is the… Read More »

Sophisticated and Final Treatment for Diabetes

Diabetes is the major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke. The number of people affected by all types of diabetic disorders is now over four times higher than just 40 years ago. This has led the World Health Organization to consider diabetes an epidemic, predicting it will soon be the seventh biggest cause of death worldwide.… Read More »

Is Egg Yolk More Useful or White?

Eggs are an incredibly versatile food. From scrambled to poached, there are many ways to cook an egg exactly the way you like.They’re not just for breakfast either. Eggs are used in a variety of foods, including: baked goods salads sandwiches ice cream soups stir-fries sauces casseroles Since you might be eating eggs on a regular basis, any health-conscious person… Read More »

What to Say to Daughters During Puberty

Kids see and hear a lot about sex and relationships on TV and online. By the time they near puberty, they may be familiar with some advanced ideas. But talking about puberty is still an important job for parents because not all this other information is reliable. Don’t wait for your kids to come to you with questions about their changing… Read More »

Use the prescription for stomach ulcers for only two weeks

A peptic ulcer is an open sore in the upper digestive tract. There are two types of peptic ulcers, a gastric ulcer, which forms in the lining of the stomach, and a duodenal ulcer, which forms in the upper part of the small intestine. Causes of peptic ulcers include the bacterium named Helicobacter pylori (H pylori), aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), alcohol,… Read More »

Why do Women Have iron Deficiency and how can it be Eliminated?

Iron deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia — a condition in which blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. As the name implies, iron deficiency anemia is due to insufficient iron. Without enough iron, your body can’t produce enough of a substance in red blood cells that… Read More »

Rabbit meat is one of nature’s greatest gifts

Rabbit and game meat (91/495/EEC and 92/45/EEC) Control mechanisms applied using the principles of HACCP are also not incorporated in these directives. Rabbit meat must be obtained in establishments that fulfil the general conditions of the poultrymeat directive with the source animals being similarly checked for their health status. The requirements for cutting, handling, storing, transporting and supplying rabbit… Read More »

Treatment of cracked heels due to cold

Cracked heels are a common foot problem. One survey found that 20 percent of adults in the United States experience cracked skin on their feet. This can occur in both adults and children, and seems to affect women more often than men. For most people, having cracked heels isn’t serious. It may cause discomfort when going barefoot. In some cases,… Read More »

Fenugreek seeds are the best supplements for men

Fenugreek is a powerful medicinal plant.It has been used throughout history for its health-promoting qualities and natural ability to treat ailments ranging from digestive issues to skin conditions. Recently, fenugreek has become popular for its purported effects on testosterone levels, causing people to wonder whether it can help treat low testosterone. This article describes what fenugreek is, its… Read More »